Westow Cricket Club and Community Pavilion

Westow Cricket Club Pavilion - Rear Aspect

1. All your players need to be added to your clubs own PlayCricket site before the first game of the season
* Attached is a guide which covers registering players, adding a result, adding a match report which you may find helpful.
You may also find the following link useful:
Adam Mosley is happy to advise should you have any problems with this - adammosley2@btinternet.com
2. A list of your registered players also needs sending to Adam Mosley - adammosley2@btinternet.com
3. League Fees need paying - £30 per team.
4. Clubs need to make sure they are affiliated to the YCB and that they hold adequate insurance
5. An updated contact list is attached - if ANY details are incorrect please let me know asap.
6. An updated set of Rules is attached
7. Results need submitting by 8pm on the Thursday by WINNING clubs. ALL clubs need to have the full match scorecards and reports on your club site by 6pm on Sunday so that the Media Officer can extract information for his Press report. Please give details of anyone scoring 25+, 3 wickets and any other noteable events with FULL names for players